SensoGOLD™ Bacterial Identification Kits
SensoGOLD Kits
Our SensoGOLD Kits are designed to detect the presence of bacteria from various sources based on their 16S rRNA signatures. These products are designed for research use only.
More detailed information on the technology behind our SensoGOLD kits can be found here.
Specific Bacterial Detection Kits
These kits are designed to identify the presence of specific bacterial species in the test sample.
Non-specific Bacterial Detection Kits
Our Universal Bacterial Detection Kit is designed for detecting the presence of a wide range of bacterial microorganisms without identifying the specific pathogen. This product is optimal as a screeing tool for bacterial contamination. It can be followed up with testing using one or more of our Specific Bacterial Detection kits to determine the bacterial identity of the contaminating pathogen.