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PuroSPIN™ Soil Genomic DNA Purification Kit  #NK063-50, #NK063-200

PuroSPIN™ Soil Genomic DNA Purification Kit #NK063-50, #NK063-200

The PuroSPIN™ Soil Genomic DNA Purification Kit  is designed to purify high molecular weigth genomic DNA from variety of microorganisms, fungi, bacteria, archaea, etc in soil samples. It greatly simplifies the purification process by incorporating a convenient and easy-to-use extraction technology based on nucleic acid binding to silica spin-columns which eliminates the use of toxic phenol-chloroform extraction or time consuming alcohol precipitation. The kit is suatable for different types of soil, such as: top-soil, bog, clay, forest, compost, etc.





  • Easily purify genomic DNA from soil samples using silica spin columns
  • Simple extraction process with no need for phenol or chloroform
  • Lysate filtration step to remove any precipitated SDS-protein complexes, salts and other contaminants for higher yield and purity of genomic DNA products
  • Specialized and detailed protocols for different sample types
  • High-quality extracted genomic DNA can be used for a range of downstream applications such as genomic sequencing, PCR, real-time qPCR, or Southern blotting


SKU List: #NK063-5, #NK063-50, #NK063-200

  • Materials Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)


  • Product Specifications

    Kit Type: Soil Genomic DNA Extraction/Purification
    Kit Format: Silica Spin Columns
    Kit Scale: MINI
    Starting Material: Top-soil, bog, clay, forest, compost and other types of soil
    Processing Time:  < 45 minutes
    Typical Yield: 3 - 15 ug
    Elution Volume:  50 - 100 μL
    Ratio A260/A280: 1.7 - 1.9
    Ratio A260/A230: 1.8 - 2.2
    Downstream Applications: Ligation, microarray analyses, qPCR, RT-qPCR, sequencing, Southern blotting, transfection, transformation, etc.



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