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PuroSPIN™ Genomic DNA Purification Plus Kit

PuroSPIN™ Genomic DNA Purification Plus Kit


  • PuroSPIN™ Genomic DNA Purification Plus Kit is designed to provide simple and easy-to-use method for extraction and purification of genomic DNA from Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteriayeastmammalian cells, whole blood and animal tissues.
  • In comparison to our standard Genomic DNA Purificatio Kit, the Plus kit adds an additional filtration step that removes the insoluble and non-digested fraction from the lysate before loading it onto the silica spin column. This prevents contaminating materials from binding to and blocking parts of the silica membrane, leading to an increased genomic DNA yield and higher purity of the final product. This is particularly benficial when workign with large samples that contain a lot of starting material that needs to be digested.
  • The purification technology is based on nucleic acid binding to silica spin-columns, which allows efficient removal of protein, salt and other contaminants. Silica spin columns offer faster, simpler and safer alternative to traditional nucleic acid purification techniques such as phenol-chloroform extraction.
  • PuroSPIN™ genomic DNA kit buffer formulations produce highly purified DNA product for downstream applications, such as sequencing, ligation, transfection, Southern blotting, qPCR, or microarray analysis.
  • PuroSPIN™ columns can bind up to 200 μg of DNA product.



  • Easily purify genomic DNA using silica spin columns
  • Removal of insoluble and non-digested sample fraction by filtration, producing higher yield and higher purity product
  • Simple extraction process with no need for phenol or chloroform
  • Specialized and detailed protocols for different sample types
  • High-quality extracted genomic DNA can be used for a range of downstream applications such as genomic sequencing, PCR, real-time qPCR, or Southern blotting



  1. Hawke, J.P., Daniel, R., Strother, K., Sokolova, Y., Elliott, J., Carossino, M., Langohr, I., Del Piero, F., López-Porras, A., Heckman, T.I., Soto, E. and Griffin, M.J. (2021), Streptococcus dysgalactiae: A Pathogen of Feral Populations of Silver Carp from a Fish Kill Event. J. Aquat. Anim. Health, 33: 231-242.
  2. Gunn, M.A., Allen, P.J., Graham Rosser, T., Wise, D.J. and Griffin, M.J. (2021), Comparative Mortality of Juvenile Channel and Hybrid Catfish Exposed to Bolbophorus damnificus Cercariae. North Am J Aquaculture, 83: 346-353.
  3. Gunn, MA, Allen, PJ, Rosser, TG, Wise, DJ, Khoo, LH, Griffin, MJ. Assessment of Bolbophorus damnificus prevalence and cercariae shedding in Planorbella trivolvis populations from catfish aquaculture ponds in Mississippi, USA. J World Aquac Soc. 2021; 52: 395– 404.
  4. Mackenzie A. Gunn, Matt J. Griffin, Brian D. Ott, T. Graham Rosser, Lester H. Khoo, David J. Wise, Peter J. Allen. Physiological response of channel (Ictalurus punctatus) and hybrid (I. punctatus x I. furcatus) catfish following Bolbophorus damnificus infection. Aquaculture. Volume 563, Part 2, 2023.
  5. Jacobsen KL, Griffin M, Phinney BS, Salemi M, Yazdi Z, Balami S, Older CE, Soto E. Temperature-dependent alterations in the proteome of the emergent fish pathogen Edwardsiella piscicida. J Fish Dis. 2024 Sep 20:e14017. doi: 10.1111/jfd.14017. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 39304982.


SKU List: NK261-5, NK261-50, NK261-200


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